The results of the certification of the code ATHLET/BIPR-VVER version 1.0

29th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2019, Energoland, Mochovce NPP, Slovakia)
[2] reactor physics experiments and code validation


A. Kotsarev, M. Lizorkin, B. Shumskiy


The report describes the results of certification of the ATHLET/BIPR-VVER software package (version 1.0) in the Russian Federation. The ATHLET/BIPR-VVER complex was created on the basis of combining, using the interface, the ATHLET system code, version 2.1A_A (certified in 2014) and the BIPR-8 code of three-dimensional reactor core calculation with the BIPR-8KN kinetic module (stationary calculation block is certified in 2010). The ATHLET thermal hydraulics code has been developed by Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS mbH). The BIPR-8 neutron physical code has been developed by National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute». Cooperation GRS and NRC KI to create ATHLET/BIPR-VVER complex continuing since 1993.
ATHLET/BIPR-VVER complex is designed for coupling neutron-physical and thermal-hydraulic calculation of transient and accident processes in reactor systems with VVER reactor of different types. The ATHLET/BIPR-VVER complex is used at NRC KI to analyze design and beyond design basis accidents prior to the stage of the onset of deformation and damage to core elements.
The report describes the stages of complex certification: a validation report preparing, working with appointed experts, additional investigations performing to increase the level of validation of the complex, preparing of the certification passport. Examples of validation calculations are given that simulate experiments at operating power units and experimental heat-hydraulic stands.
The ATHLET/BIPR-VVER complex, version 1.0 was certified on 10.24.2018 by the Expert Committee for software certification at Rostechnadzor (passport No. 455).