Atomic Energy Research (AER)
The Atomic Energy Research (AER) is an organization of 27 institutions (utilities, research institutes, universities and technical support organisations) from nine countries. The common interest within this organization is the research on topics related to all aspects of the safe operation of VVER reactors. The AER organization is also open to institutions from countries not operating VVER reactors, nevertheless interested in VVER related research
topics. The scientific activities of AER are carried out in six working groups.The working groups are organising scientific meetings on a regular basis, where the details of work are being discussed. The most important results of AER members are presented to the research community on annual Symposium in autumn, where usually 70 to 80 experts meet to discuss ongoing work and new developments.
KFKI Atomic Energy Research Institute has been the headquarters of the Atomic Energy Research (AER) international cooperation since its foundation in 1990. AER fixed its main goals as promotion of information exchange among VVER utility staffs, designers, research institutes and authorities; assist its member organizations to perform investigations and research to enhance the safety and economic operation of VVER type reactors. The participant institutions pay a nominal fee but their major contribution is through their participation in the joint work to solve problems of common interest. Two- or more sided cooperation is possible.
The work in the framework of AER is organized in working groups (WGs), where the participants are investigating a given problem. The current working groups are:
WG A: Improvement, extension and validation of parametrized few‑group libraries for VVER‑440 and VVER‑1000
WG B: Core design (advanced fuel cycles, code validation)
WG C: Core monitoring (flux reconstruction, in-core measurements)
WG D: VVER reactor safety analysis
WG E: Physical Problems on Spent Fuel, Radwaste and Decommissioning of NPPs
WG F: Nuclear Fuel Cycle Perspectives and Sustainability
WG G: Thermal-hydraulics, CFD
Benchmark Committee: compile and publishes VVER related Benchmarks and Benchmark solutions, compiles AER Benchmark Book
AER organizes a Symposium every year where the participants present their contributions.
The Scientific Council meets once a year to set the main stream problems.