Calculations of neutron-physical characteristics of “Full-core” benchmark by programs TDMCC and Sapfir&RC

29th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2019, Energoland, Mochovce NPP, Slovakia)
[1] advances in spectral and core calculation methods


Frolova M.V., Antonov S.N., Ustinov A.N., Fateev M.V.


Calculations of neutron-physical characteristics of “Full-core” benchmark by programs TDMCC and Sapfir&RC

Frolova M.V., Antonov S.N., Ustinov A.N., Fateev M.V.


In the research the results of verification of program complex Sapfir_95&RC_VVER for calculation of neutron-physical VVER core characteristics was represented.
“Full-core” benchmark was used for verification. Benchmark input data was based on the geometrical and material parameters of Temelin NPP. Support of accuracy of program complex Sapfir_95&RC_VVER calculations was based on using of calculation result, performed by Monte-Carlo method by program TDMCC. Preliminarily calculation results, performed by program TDMCC, were compared with result which were gotten by precision programs Serpent, MCNP and MCU.
In the verification emphasis was placed on the support of accuracy of multiplication factor, FA power distribution in the core and pin-by-pin energy field for all using FA type.
Calculation results showed that program TDMCC can be used as reference, that was confirmed by comparison with programs Serpent, MCNP and MCU. The minimum deviation of calculation results by program complex Sapfir_95&RC_VVER and program TDMCC was gotten for calculation by neutron flux microdistribution superposition method.