Full-Core VVER-1000 calculation benchmark
29th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2019, Energoland, Mochovce NPP, Slovakia)
advances in spectral and core calculation methods
Daniel Sprinzl, Václav Krýsl, Pavel Mikoláš, Jiří Závorka
Recently, calculation benchmark ‘Full-Core’ VVER-440 has been introduced in the AER community with positive response 1. Therefore we have decided to prepare a similar benchmark for VVER-1000. The main task of this benchmark is again to test the pin by pin power distribution in fuel as-semblies that are placed mainly at the VVER-1000 core periphery. As value of FdH is not directly measured by the core monitoring system a proposal of similar benchmark for macro-codes for VVER-1000 may be useful as well compared to 1. The ‘Full-Core’ benchmark is 2D calculation benchmark again based on the VVER-1000 reactor core cold state geometry with taking into the account the geometry of explicit radial reflector. This benchmark was defined on AER Symposium in 2016 in Helsinki. In this contribution we present the overview of available macro-codes results.
1 V. Krýsl et. al.: “Full-Core” VVER-440 calculation benchmark. Kerntechnik, Vol. 79, No. 4, August 2014.