Testing of DYN3D Nodal and Pin‐power Simulation of VVER‐1000 Mini‐ core, ÚJV Řež
26th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2016, Helsinki, Finland)
Reactor physics experiments and code validation continues
TESTING OF DYN3D NODAL AND PIN-POWER SIMULATION OF VVER- 1000 MINI-COREJan HádekÚJV Řež, a. s., Hlavní 130, 250 68 Husinec-Řež, Czech Republic jan.hadek@ujv.czABSTRACTThe pin-power reconstruction is a computationally efficient approach how to achieve higher resolution in the neutronic/thermal-hydraulic simulation of reactor core. Generally, the result of heterogeneous (pin-power) reconstruction in individual positions of fuel pins of homogeneous fuel assembly can be expressed as a product of homogeneous reconstruction in three-dimensional reactor dynamic code (sometimes it is called as amplitude function) and pin- by-pin power distribution results obtained with using of lattice code (form function). In this study, DYN3D nodal and pin-power reconstruction simulations were implemented and numerically validated with transport reference solutions for a VVER-1000 mini-core of 7 fuel assemblies. At this stage, the testing was performed at hot zero power state to enable comparison with transport reference solutions received by Tripoli4 code. The homogenized cross-sections library in nemtab format and pin-by-pin power shape library for unrodded and rodded states and for fresh and irradiated states were prepared by Apollo2 code. Computational results are compared and discussed.This work was partially funded by the NURESAFE project (Contract number: 323263) in the 7th Euratom Framework Programme of the European Union. 26th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety 16 10 – 14 October 2016, Helsinki, Finland