Possibilities of delayed neutron fraction (beff) calculation and measurement.

Svetozár Michálek, Ján Haščík, Gabriel Farkas, Slovakia, Slovak University of Technology

18th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2008, Eger, Hungary)
Reactor Dynamics, Safety Analysis


The influence of the delayed neutrons on the reactor dynamics can be understood through their impact on the reactor power change rate. In spite of the fact that delayed neutrons constitute only a very small fraction of the total number of neutrons generated from fission, they play a dominant role in the fission chain reaction control. If only the prompt neutrons existed, the reactor operation would become impossible due to the fast reactor power changes. The exact determination of delayed neutrons main parameter, the delayed neutron fraction (?eff), is very important in the field of reactor physics. The interest in the delayed neutron data accuracy improvement started to increase at the end of 80-ties and the beginning of 90-ties, after discrepancies among the results of calculations and experiments. In consequence of difficulties in (eff experimental measurement, this value in exact state use to be determined by calculations. Subsequently, its reliability depends on the calculation method and the delayed neutron data used. Determination of (eff requires criticality calculations. In the past, keff used to be traditionally calculated by taking the ratio of the adjoint- and spectrum-weighted delayed neutron production rate to the adjoint- and spectrum- weighted total neutron production rate 1. An alternative method has also been used in which ?eff is calculated from simple k-eigenvalue solutions.

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