18th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2008, Eger, Hungary)
Spectral and Core Calculation
The transport method of HELIOS is called the CCCP method, because it is based on current coupling and collision probabilities. The system to be calculated consists of space elements that are coupled with each other and with the boundaries by interface currents. The angular dependence of the interface or coupling currents can be discretized in various ways. This is done by partitioning the directional half-sphere into a number of polar ? levels, and each ? level into a number of azimuthal ? intervals. In two dimensional calculations the discretization of the azimuthal level is dominant. In the last issue of the HELIOS code (version 1.10) the maximum value of azimuthal discretization is increased from 4 to 12. This gives the possibility to calculate large (core-wide or near core-wide) systems with appropriate accuracy, which extends the applicability of the HELIOS program.