Solution of the new Dukovany Benchmark using the new version of KARATE-440 code
18th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2008, Eger, Hungary)
Spectral and Core Calculation
A new ?so called second generation- fuel type developed by Russian vendor [TVEL] for VVER-440 has been introduced. Even the outer parameters of the assembly remain unchanged, the length of the pins was increased and 6 of the 126 pins have been doped by gadolinium. The above mentioned modifications requiring more accurate calculations have necessitated the further development and validation of our KARATE code system. The paper summarizes the capabilities of the new version of the KARATE program concerning the properties of currently used and newly developed fuel types. On the basis of an international benchmark published from Dukovany NPP validation procedure has been started.