Transition to Four Batch Loading Scheme in Loviisa NPP
19th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2009, Varna, Bulgaria)
Fuel management
The VVER-440 reactors of Loviisa NPP are operated with 1500 MWth power and reduced core. During recent years a 3-batch loading scheme has been used. Loviisa-1 is currently running with BNFL fuel equilibrium cycle and Loviisa-2 with TVEL fuel equilibrium cycle. Our goal is to move to a 4-batch scheme with TVEL fuel for both reactors. To achieve this goal the U-235 enrichment has to be increased from the current designs used. The fuel to be used in the near future is 4.37 % enriched fuel with six Gd2O3 doped rods.