Role of the team of scientific and technical commissioning support during Mochovce NPP Unit3&4 commissioning

J. Hermanský, M. Prachár, M. Sedlácek, VUJE Inc., Slovakia

21st Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2011, Dresden, Germany)
Core design, monitoring and fuel management


The Team of Scientific and Technical Commissioning Support (TSTCS) shall provide an independent
support for the Mochovce NPP 3&4 Commissioning Department during Mochovce Units 3&4
commissioning. This independent support will be in line with the Mochovce NPP 3&4 Directive ?Nonactive tests and commissioning? and it will be carried out in form of professional and expert works focusing
on supervision of fulfilment of requirements for nuclear safety observance. The TSTCS duty to provide for
such services during NPP commissioning is specified by Slovak Regulatory Body legislation.
The independent TSTCS will supervise:
? fulfilment of requirements for nuclear safety during preparation and implementation of commissioning
? scientific and technical level of commissioning programmes, and reflection on nuclear safety
requirements in commissioning programmes,
? commissioning process and test results.
Main standpoints of the Team activities for individual unit commissioning stages will be:
? assesment of the selected programs of functional tests in instalations having an impact on nuclear
safety and evaluation of the results of these tests,
? assesment of the programs of physics and power commissioning,
? assesment of the unit preparedness before fuel loading start,
? assesment of the unit preparedness for performing initial criticality and low power commissioning and
power commissioning stages,
? evaluation of the results of physics and power commissioning stages and sub-stages,
? final evaluation of the results from implementing the physics and power commissioning stages.
The paper also presents a short description of the Team scope activities, the Team organisation, and a
procedure for issuing of standpoints to individual unit commissioning stages.

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