Validation of the KARATE-440 code system by Analysis of recriticality measurement of Novovoronesh NPP. A. Keresztúri
20th Symposium of AER on VVER Reactor Physics and Reactor Safety (2010, Hanasaari, Espoo, Finland)
Reactor physics experiment and code validation
In this paper the results of KARATE-440 calculations on Novovoronezh NPP Recriticality
Experiment are presented, the corresponding parameters are analyzed. The simulation of
the processes and the comparison of the results with the measurements are of particular
interest as these efforts make our code to be validated in a higher level. Even if only some
well defined states of the transient were simulated, satisfactory agreement was found
between measured and calculated data. The results present evidence that the KARATE-440
code package can adequately model the reactor states in a wide range of performance
parameters and the special core type referred in the experiment so it is acceptable for
neutronic analysis of all the VVER-440 NPP`s